Projet: Réaliser une station de décodage FT8 sans affichage graphique pour un serveur. Un deuxième script pour l’envoyer sur PSKREPORTER
1.Installation des outils nécessaires:
Voir l’article sur la modification de arecord pour 384khz si nécéssaire.
Installer wsjtx avec sudo apt-get install wsjtx
2.Le script de decodage FT8
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#!/bin/bash function usage(){ printf "Utilisation du script :\n" printf "$0 alsa_device centerfreq freq band samplerate\n" printf "Example :\n" printf "$0 dsnoop:lp4,1 3568600 3568600 80m 384000 F4HTB JN38tg\n" } if [ $# -ne 7 ] then usage exit 1 fi alsa_device=$1 centerfreq=$2 freq=$3 band=$4 samplerate=$5 call=$6 grid=$7 decimationfactor=$(($samplerate/12000)) pathft8=/dev/shm/FT8_$band rm -rf $pathft8 >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p $pathft8 >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "Wait 0s to start" wait_0 () { while [[ ("$(( $(date +"%_S") % 15))" -ne 0 ) ]] do sleep 0.1 done } if [ $freq -eq $centerfreq ] then while true do wait_0 now=$(date +"%y%m%d_%H%M%S") echo "Start for $now on $band" arecord -q -d 14 -f S16_LE -r $samplerate -c2 -D $alsa_device -F0 --period-size=1024 -B0 --buffer-size=4096 | csdr convert_s16_f | csdr fir_decimate_cc $decimationfactor 0.05 HAMMING 2>/dev/null | csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc -0.5 0 0.05 2>/dev/null | csdr realpart_cf | csdr agc_ff | csdr convert_f_s16 | sox -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 1 -r 12000 - -t wav $pathft8/$now.wav jt9 -e $pathft8 -a $pathft8 -t $pathft8 --ft8 -d 3 $pathft8/$now.wav | grep -v "DecodeFinished" | grep -v "EOF" | awk -v freqon=$freq '{gsub("~",freqon,$5);print $0}' | awk -v pathft8on=$pathft8 '{print >> pathft8on"/spotstosend.txt"};{print};' >>spots_$band && rm -rf $pathft8/$now.wav & if [[ ("$(( $(date +"%_M") % 6))" -eq 0 ) && ("$(( $(date +"%_S")))" -lt 20 ) ]]; then echo "Send to pskreporter for $now on $band" ./ $call $grid $pathft8/spotstosend.txt & fi done fi if [ $freq -ne $centerfreq ] then while true do wait_0 now=$(date +"%y%m%d_%H%M%S") echo "Start for $now on $band" arecord -q -d 14 -f S16_LE -r $samplerate -c2 -D $alsa_device -F0 --period-size=1024 -B0 --buffer-size=4096 | csdr convert_s16_f | csdr shift_addition_cc `python3 -c "print(float($freq-$centerfreq)/$samplerate)"` 2>/dev/null | csdr fir_decimate_cc $decimationfactor 0.05 HAMMING 2>/dev/null | csdr bandpass_fir_fft_cc -0.5 0 0.05 2>/dev/null | csdr realpart_cf | csdr agc_ff | csdr convert_f_s16 | sox -q -t raw -b 16 -e signed -c 1 -r 12000 - -t wav $pathft8/$now.wav jt9 -e $pathft8 -a $pathft8 -t $pathft8 --ft8 -d 3 $pathft8/$now.wav | grep -v "DecodeFinished" | grep -v "EOF" | awk -v freqon=$freq '{gsub("~",freqon,$5);print $0}' | awk -v pathft8on=$pathft8 '{print >> pathft8on"/spotstosend.txt"};{print};' >>spots_$band && rm -rf $pathft8/$now.wav & if [[ ("$(( $(date +"%_M") % 6))" -eq 0 ) && ("$(( $(date +"%_S")))" -lt 20 ) ]]; then echo "Send to pskreporter for $now on $band" ./ $call $grid $pathft8/spotstosend.txt & fi done fi |
3.Le script d’upload vers pskreporter pour FT8 uniquement
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#!/usr/bin/perl # For KiwiSDR # Gather decodes from FT8 log file /dev/shm/decode-ft8.log file of format # 163144 4 -0.9 2431 14074 KK5ZV VE5TLW R-16 # and create PSKReporter UDP datagram for upload per developer info # # Process all messages to include # CQ CALL1 GRID, CALL1 CALL2 GRID, CALL1 CALL2 RPT, CALL1 CALL2 RR73, etc. # cache call signs up to 5 minutes before resending (see $MINTIME) # v0.2.7 - 2018/11/16 - # Start by using following command line # ./ YOURCALL YOURGRID # ./ WX1YZ AB12DE use strict; use warnings; use Time::Piece; use POSIX qw(strftime); use IO::Socket; # minimum number of minutes to wait before sending datagrams my $MINTIME = 5; # maximum UDP IPFIX datagram size in bytes minus header descriptor length my $MAXDATA = 1250; # PSKReporter upload address and port my $peerhost = ""; my $peerport = 4739; # Software Descriptor for PSKReporter my $decsw = "FT8-Skimmer v0.2.7"; # check for YOUR CALL SIGN if( ! defined( $ARGV[0]) || ( ! ( $ARGV[0] =~ /\w\d+\w/)) ) { die "Enter a valid call sign\n"; } my $mycall = uc( $ARGV[0]); # check for YOUR GRID SQUARE (6 digit) if( ! defined( $ARGV[1]) || ( ! ( $ARGV[1] =~ /\w\w\d\d\w\w/)) ) { die "Enter a valid 6 digit grid\n"; } my $mygrid = uc( $ARGV[1]); if( (! defined( $ARGV[2])) || (! -e $ARGV[2] ) ) { die "Enter a valid spots log file\n"; } my $logfile = $ARGV[2]; # IPFIX header # 00 0A ll ll tt tt tt tt ss ss ss ss ii ii ii ii # 'll ll' packet length, 'tt tt tt tt' UNIX time secs, 'ss ss ss ss' sequence number, # 'ii ii ii ii' random id my $header = "00 0a "; # pack header into byte stream $header = join( "", split(" ", $header)); # generate a unique ID - ii ii ii ii my $rid = pack( "n", int( rand( 65535))) . pack( "n", int( rand( 65535))); # Record Format Descriptors # Receiver Info - receiverCallsign, receiverLocator, decodingSoftware my $rcvr = "00 03 00 24 99 92 00 03 00 00 " . "80 02 FF FF 00 00 76 8F " . "80 04 FF FF 00 00 76 8F " . "80 08 FF FF 00 00 76 8F " . "00 00"; # pack above into byte stream $rcvr = pack( "H*", join( "", split(" ", $rcvr))); # Sender Info - senderCallsign, frequency, sNR (1 byte), mode (1 byte), informationSource, senderLocator, flowStartSeconds my $sndr = "00 02 00 3C 99 93 00 07 " . "80 01 FF FF 00 00 76 8F " . "80 05 00 04 00 00 76 8F " . "80 06 00 01 00 00 76 8F " . "80 0A FF FF 00 00 76 8F " . "80 0B 00 01 00 00 76 8F " . "80 03 FF FF 00 00 76 8F " . "00 96 00 04"; # pack above into byte stream $sndr = pack( "H*", join( "", split(" ", $sndr))); # Receiver data header my $rxhdr = "99 92 "; # pack rxhdr into byte stream $rxhdr = join( "", split(" ", $rxhdr)); # Receiver data record my $rxrcd = ( pack( "c", length( $mycall)) . pack( "A*", $mycall) . pack( "c", length( $mygrid)) . pack( "A*", $mygrid) . pack( "c", length( $decsw)) . pack( "A*", $decsw) ); # Determine record length and calculate padding to multiple of 4 bytes my $rxrcdlen = length( $rxrcd)+ 4; my $rxrcdpad = 4 - ( $rxrcdlen % 4); # pack header, data record and padding into complete record $rxrcd = ( pack( "H*", $rxhdr) . pack( "n", ( $rxrcdlen + $rxrcdpad)) . $rxrcd . pack( "x$rxrcdpad") ); # Sender data header my $txhdr = "99 93 "; # pack txhdr into byte stream $txhdr = join( "", split(" ", $txhdr)); # Sender record, length and padding my $txrcd; my $txrcdlen; my $txrcdpad; # FT8 fields from FT8 decoder log file my $gmt; my $x; my $snr; my $dt; my $tone; my $freq; my @rest; my $ft8msg; my $time; my $call; my $grid; # holds one single log file line my $line; # we're only supporting FT8 my $mode = "FT8"; # outgoing UDP datagram packet to be sent to PSKReporter my $packet; # Running sequence number for datagrams my $seq = 1; # hash of deduplicated unique calls per band (key is call + band) my %db; # call+band key for %db hash my $cb; # minute counter to buffer decode lines my $min = 0; # unique band key for hash array above my $base; # decode counter my $d = 0; # datagram size in bytes my $ds; $| = 1; if (open(my $LOG, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $logfile)) { while (my $line = <$LOG>) { chomp $line; # check if this is a valid FT8 decode line beginning with 6 digit time stamp # check if this is a valid FT8 decode line beginning with 6 digit time stamp if( ( $line =~ /^\d{6}\s/) ) { # no - go to read next line from decoder log # 163144 4 -0.9 2431 14074 KK5ZV VE5TLW R-16 # looks like a valid line split into variable fields ($gmt, $snr, $dt, $tone, $freq, @rest)= split( " ", $line); $freq = $freq + $tone; # get UNIX time since epoch #$time = time(); my $datestring = strftime "%Y%m%d", gmtime; my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($datestring.$gmt, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); $time = $t->epoch; # determine base frequency key for hash lookup into FT8 base band frequency array $base = int( $freq / 10000000); # make freq an integer $freq += 0; # make the FT8 message by appending remainder of line into one variable, space delimited $ft8msg = join( " ", @rest); # Here are all the various FT8 message scenarios we will recognize, extract senders CALL & GRID # CQ CALL LLnn if( $ft8msg =~ /^CQ\s([\w\d\/]{3,})\s(\w\w\d\d)/) { $call = $1; $grid = $2; # CQ [NA,DX,xx] CALL LLnn } elsif ( $ft8msg =~ /^CQ\s\w{2}\s([\w\d\/]{3,})\s(\w\w\d\d)/) { $call = $1; $grid = $2; # CALL1 CALL2 [R][-+]nn } elsif ( $ft8msg =~ /^[\w\d\/]{3,}\s([\w\d\/]{3,})\sR*[\-+][0-9]{2}/) { $call = $1; $grid = ""; # CALL1 CALL2 RRR } elsif ( $ft8msg =~ /^[\w\d\/]{3,}\s([\w\d\/]{3,})\sRRR/) { $call = $1; $grid = ""; # CALL1 CALL2 RR73 or 73 } elsif ( $ft8msg =~ /^[\w\d\/]{3,}\s([\w\d\/]{3,})\sR*73/) { $call = $1; $grid = ""; # CALL1 CALL2 GRID } elsif ( $ft8msg =~ /^[\w\d\/]{3,}\s([\w\d\/]{3,})\s(\w\w\d\d)/) { $call = $1; $grid = $2; } else { next; } # does the call have at least one number in it if( ! ( $call =~ /\d/) ) { # no - maybe be this is a TNX, NAME, QSL message, so skip this line next; } # have we NOT seen this call on this band yet if( ! defined( $db{$call.$base}) ) { # yes - save it to hash array $db{$call.$base} = $time.",".$call.",".$grid.",".$freq.",".$snr; # keep count of unique FT8 call+base decodes in hash array for this time window $d++; } else { # no - we have seen before, so did we get a grid this decode if( $grid ne "") { # yes - resave decode with grid just in case we didn't before $db{$call.$base} = $time.",".$call.",".$grid.",".$freq.",".$snr; } } } } } else { warn "Could not open file '$logfile' $!"; } # loop until all decodes in hash array are packed and sent in datagrams while( $d > 0) { undef $packet; undef $txrcd; # loop thru all call+base keys and pack buffered decodes into datagram foreach $cb (sort ( keys %db)) { # split hash into individual variable fields ( $time, $call, $grid, $freq, $snr) = split( ",", $db{$cb} ); #my $t = Time::Piece->strptime( $time, '%s' ); #print $time ." ". $t->strftime ." ". $call ."\n"; # build a sender record for this FT8 decoded message $txrcd .= ( pack( "c", length( $call)) . pack( "A*", $call) . pack( "N", $freq) . pack( "c", $snr) . pack( "c", 3) . pack( "A*", "FT8") . pack( "c", 1) . pack( "c", length( $grid)) . pack( "A*", $grid) . pack( "N", $time) ); # remove this FT8 decode from hash array delete $db{ $cb}; # decrement FT8 main decode counter $d--; # track size of UDP datagram of all FT8 decodes to be sent and test if full reached max limit # if yes - exit loop to wrap and send datagram if( ( length( $txrcd) ) >= $MAXDATA) { last; } } # end hash loop to build datagram # reset datagram size counter in bytes $ds = 0; # calculate the length of the record and determine padding to multiple of 4 bytes $txrcdlen = length( $txrcd)+ 4; $txrcdpad = 4 - ( $txrcdlen % 4); # create entire sender record with sender header and 00 padding $txrcd = ( pack( "H*", $txhdr) . pack( "n", ( $txrcdlen + $txrcdpad)) . $txrcd . pack( "x$txrcdpad") ); # create complete UDP datagram packet holding header, time, sequence number, random ID, # receive & send descriptions and receive & sender records $time = time(); $packet = ( pack( "H*", $header) . pack( "n", length( $rcvr) + length( $sndr) + length( $rxrcd) + length( $txrcd) + 16) . pack( "N", $time) . pack( "N", $seq++) . pack( "A*", $rid) . pack( "A*", $rcvr) . pack( "A*", $sndr) . pack( "A*", $rxrcd) . pack( "A*", $txrcd) ); # open UDP socket to PSKReporter my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => 'udp', PeerPort => $peerport, PeerAddr => $peerhost, ) or next; ## ) or die "Could not create socket: $!\n"; ## send datagram print $sock $packet; #print $packet; ## close socket $sock->close(); } # end of datagram creation/sending, loop if more FT8 decodes need to be sent in another datagram truncate $logfile, 0; undef %db; |